
Nov 19, 2013

Larry Summers is the man and a new I was wrong mea cupla

Krugman is really, really jealous of Larry Summers -- basically at a recent very important economics conference, Summers gave a presentation that knocked the socks off of everyone -- including Krugman. Krugman says he has hinted at some of the points in previous works but Summers but it all together in a way that is now getting a lot of attention. The jist of it is that the economy's current depressed state may be the new normal and the only way to get higher employment is through bubbles. The reason for this is that declining population growth which reduces demand. The only way out of this situation is to force more demand -- through government spending and/or aim for higher inflation target.

It is fun to follow Krugman as he bashes others. Three years ago a number of economists signed an advertisement warning of bad things (inflation) if US government didn't stop spending so much money. Krugman now points out that no inflation happened but rather than saying we should just not listen to those who warned, we should see how they reacted. What's especially interesting is that Krugman points out that he has been wrong over the years and he gives a new example that he has not previously mentioned and it's a response to Nigel's long critism of him. He admits he was wrong on the euro coming to an end - back in mid 2012 he said it would just be a matter of months. Krugman ends his point by pointed out that none of the academics who signed the letter have admitted their error and this is a sign of poor character.

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