
Jun 10, 2013

Krugman thinks Draghi is naive and there is no debt issue in the USA

Krugman highlights that Draghi (European Central Bank president) believes low inflation is not to bad. Krugman of course takes issue since Krugman argues higher inflation is needed to get out of the crisis. He also offhandedly mentions that Draghi may the be the last ECB president since maybe the Euro won't last much longer. He actually been saying for a couple years that the Euro might not last.

Krugman, by referring someone else's post, restates his point that there is no debt problem in the USA. He backs this up by pointing out that deficits are down and medium term debt projections are not "scary". He also mentions that Medicare spending as a % of GDP is projected to come down and SS is not as critical an issue as most people believe. 

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